Had a morning of washing, shopping (for one is a lot easier & cheaper than for 8!), getting a temporary fix 3 hours after reporting a dead phone line, doing a Blue Peter job on my rear view mirror and getting a call from Andrew who was cycling down a hill and couldn't talk but just wanted to thank me for the top i found for him. Couldn't keep away from driving and headed to Crystal Palace. They only offered roasts so after a wander round the bric-a-brac shops (no shakes or bike related items) we turned around and went to Dulwich for a fish pie jacket potato. As odd as it sounds!

My blogging after today would be repetitive and boring but thought i'd add some pictures:
The riders headed as far west as possible from the lands end sign.
Andrew started the week looking happy on a hill
My favourite picture from day 1
Cake munching on Dartmoor
Wild horses on Dartmoor
Hilly Dartmoor riding
Nige didn't realise when he asked for chicken he needed to specify it should be dead
View from the highest waterfall in England
Needed to turn round in Crediton - very randomly was in this road
Yorky finds a new way of riding for the day
The boys get ready to spend a night in Paradise
Superlambananas in Liverpool
View from the rest day cottage
Mary arrives!
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