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This was due to two things - all the ups and downs on the back roads through Cornwall, and then the long long climb into Dartmoor from Tavistock. We climbed so much in fact, that we decided to create a new unit to express it - the Snowdon. Today was a 2 Snowdon day.

I must say that despite the long climb, the ride through Dartmoor was fantastic - one of the most enjoyable rides I've done in fact. The scenery was incredible. Maybe it also helped that the last 7 miles were mostly downhill - enabling me to reach my top speed (so far!) of 46 mph. Still some way to go to beat Nige's 50+ mph though!

We saw plenty of sheep on the roads, and I had fun trying to get a photo of me with one of the Dartmoor ponies, who kept evading me and not looking at the camera (hope you appreciate this Jane!).

I've just heard that tomorrow starts with another long climb, and is going to be a longer ride - around 70 miles. Sounds like I may need to find somewhere to pick up another emergency pasty (or whatever the Devonshire equivalent is!)
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